Met Sanctuary,  Main Level,  North-East Corner

    Metropolitan United Church

    London Ontario, Canada

    Order of Service


    Sunday, July 28, 2024

    11AM Service


    Prelude: Prelude – Cesar Franck

    Call to Worship

    Hymn 660: How Firm a Foundation

    United Church Creed

    Holy, holy, holy (VU #315)

    Solo: Woe Unto Them – Felix Mendelssohn

    Prayer of confession

    Psalm: Psalm 14

    Offertory Prayer

    Doxology (VU #541)

    Hymn 508: Just as I Am

    Prayers of the People

    Solo: Agnus Dei – Georges Bizet 

    Scripture: John  6: 1-21 

    Sermon: “Table for 5000”

    Hymn 235: O Worship the King


    Postlude: Dolcezza – Percy W. Whitlock

    Met Sanctuary,  Main Level,  Centre-East Lancets