Sunday, March 2, 2025 - 11am Service
Services of Worship
09:30 am Water"s Edge Service, with Eucharist
11:00 am Traditional Service (Live Streamed)
Worship Services will be led by Rev. Jen Prince
Title: "8 Days a Week"
Luke 9:28-36
Psalm 99 pg819
The Week Ahead at Metropolitan
Please Note: Construction continues on the lower level east side, near the women's washroom repairing water damage caused by the city during construction on Wellington Street.
Monday, March 3
8:30 11th Step AA Meeting
12:00 UCW Unit 3 Luncheon
Tuesday, March 4
8:00 Sunrise Group AA Meeting
1:00 Boomergang
4:45 Choristers
5:00 Pancake Supper (5:00-7:00)
Wednesday, March 5
3:30 Choristers
5:30 Training Choir
7:30 Jubilate Bells
Thursday, March 6
9:00 Met Cares Meal Preparation
9:30 Library open
10:30 Staff Meeting
5:30 Choristers
6:45 Choral Evensong
7:30 Senior Choir
Friday, March 7
12:00 Met Cares Meal Preparation
4:30 Met Cares Meal Packing
5:30 Met Cares Meal Delivery
Concerts & Events
The home of London Symphonia, Candlelight Concerts, Chorus London, and London Youth Symphony. All of these incredible groups and more!
See what is happening!
Metropolitan Choristers on Tour in England
From an email to Gregg ... "[the cathedral staff] ... all agree that you could give many U.K. cathedral choirs a serious run for their money. All in all, it is agreed that Norwich is a changed cathedral because of your time with us."
Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage Award for Metropolitan
Our History
Celebrating Over 200 Years!
The current church building has been 'on this corner' since 1896. Metropolitan has had three permanent church buildings going back to 1833. And going back to our beginnings, the congregation of Metropolitan was formed in 1822. We have a long and proud history!
Our current feature . . .
Events Year by Year