All women who are members of Metropolitan United Church are invited to participate in UCW events and meetings.

    Two annual fundraisers, the Spring Absent Tea  and the Yuletide Fair, generate the majority  of our revenue.

    Unit 3 - Luncheon on the 1st Monday  of each month. 
    Contact: Maureen Tipping 519-472-7539. This is a general interest group.
    Unit 7 - evening, 2nd Monday of each month
    Contact: Lynda Reesor 519-472-8382
    Unit 2000 - Once per month on Monday
    Contact: Anne Jeffery, 519-685-6527   

    Yuletide Fair -  Annually in November (Nov. 16, 2019)

    Knit Wits - 3rd Thursday morning monthly. 
    They knit items for local and international 
    service groups. 
    Contact: Marion Raycraft 519-433-2168
    Funeral Receptions Committee 
    Volunteers who provide funeral receptions 
    at the church.
    Contact: the church office (519-432-7189)

    Upcoming Special Events

    Yuletide Fair 2019
    November 16
    9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

    THE METROPOLITAN U.C.W. wishes to thank all of the contributors, convenors, volunteers and shoppers for their generousity and their donations to the 2019 Yuletide Fair!

    UNIT 7

    UCW Unit 7 by Ross Turnbull (9 Photos)

    Preparing Mixes for Yuletide Fair